Tuesday, June 7, 2011

RIM Acquires Scoreloop Social Gaming Toolkit Developer

Scoreloop RIM acquisition

RIM’s acquisition train keeps on running strong. They just announced on their developer blog that they have acquired Scoreloop. If you have never heard of Scoreloop before then you are in the same boat with me. From my quick research is seems like they are not a game developer or publisher but rather provide a toolkit for game developers to make their games more social.

RIM clearly states that they purchased Scoreloop because they are a pioneer in social gaming and offer a cross platform social mobile gaming developer toolkit which you can read about at www.scoreloop.com. They plan on using this knowledge to help developers create “social app experiences” through the BBM Social Platform they have been rolling out. The Scoreloop team will be working on providing tools to “further enable our developer community to take gaming to a new level of social integration on the BlackBerry Platform.”

Pretty cool stuff! Now if only RIM would buy about 20 app and game developers and get them to release a new PlayBook and BlackBerry app every week… :)

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