Sunday, June 12, 2011

BlackBerry PlayBook OS v1.05.2342 update coming soon - addresses Flash fix issued by Adobe

*Update: The OS update appears to be live for most people now, so if you're not one of those that already has it because you've been sitting there pushing "Check for updates" since this post went up, you can check it now and get to downloading!*

RIM dropped word tonight that an OS update for the BlackBerry PlayBook will be available shortly to address a vulnerability identified by Adobe regarding Flash:

Earlier this week, Adobe issued an update for Adobe Flash Player, which addresses an issue that affects all systems running Flash. As such, a new version (version of the BlackBerry Tablet OS will soon be available to all BlackBerry PlayBook tablet users, which contains an updated version of Adobe Flash Player within it. This free update can be downloaded over-the-air from your BlackBerry PlayBook. While there are no known reports of any BlackBerry PlayBook users being affected by the Adobe Flash issue, we encourage all BlackBerry PlayBook users to update to this newest version of the BlackBerry Tablet OS.

Those curious about the Adobe vulnerability can look here for more info. Flash 10.3 should be hitting the PlayBook soon, but we likely won't see it in this update (will still be on flash 10.2, though based on Adobe's bulletin I'm guessing we'll see 10.3 sooner rather than later). Keep in mind this isn't just a PlayBook thing... we're talking flash pretty much everywhere. It's great to see RIM be able to push out an update so fast (go #TeamQNX!!).

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