I know there are reviews all over the internet but perhaps this might be something new. I borrowed my friend’s phone for an hour to play and… I’m shell shocked. On my 9780, using the SAME sim card and at the SAME location, I’m only able to achieve about 200kbps. But look at the 9900!
The first tests I ran was loading of the BerryReview website. (I was trying to find the desktop mode to no avail..)
After which, I ran the mobile speed test via www.mobilespeedtest.com
In the end, for the largest file available (7mb) the speed was the astonishing 7789kbps.
In order of the file size being tested here are the results (taken via the playbook):
And now, VS the 9780 (taken via the Blackberry 9900):
Rest assured, I have more retro videos for a shootout coming your way this weekend
Look out for this devices itching to fight it out with the 9900!
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