Monday, September 19, 2011

4 features I wish the PlayBook browser had…

The PlayBook has a great browser, with page load time and rendering that is just as good if not better then most desktop browsers. However there are still a few features that I wish that it had. Here are some of those features that I hope get implemented ASAP.

Currently on the PlayBook there is no way to rearrange the bookmarks on the browser. Without being able to organize them, I find myself not using bookmarks on the PlayBook as much as I otherwise would. The PlayBook does include an edit mode for the bookmarks but the only option is to delete them.

Given how great the PlayBook’s browser is, and how large the screen is, it is very annoying to be redirected to a mobile version of website. The reason this happens is that some websites get lazy and see the term “blackberry” in the user agent, and assume that you are using a phone. Being able to override the browser’s default user agent to instead identify itself as a desktop browser such as Chrome would allow this problem to go away.

On the PlayBook opening a new tab takes you away from your current page, to the new tab. Most of the time what I really want is to stay on the current page, and go to read the new tab at a later time. The image to the right shows the option for this setting in Firefox, and I would like to see a similar thing in the PlayBook’s browser.

No one really likes to see ads, and with a browser that supports flash the situation on the PlayBook is worse. Furthermore you know that Google is never going to add this feature to the default Android browser, so RIM will gain a competitive edge there.

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