Monday, October 24, 2011

RIM Explains Platform Strategy Including Lack of BlackBerry Java on BBX Platform


We told you that RIM officially said at DevCon last week that the upcoming BlackBerry BBX Platform would not support BlackBerry Java. Now Alec Saunders from RIM has detailed a bit more about that strategy on their DevBlog. They more or less explain that BlackBerry Java will not be supported on the BBX platform and what RIM’s future strategy is. Here is exactly what they have to say about BlackBerry Java:

While we will continue to support our BlackBerry Java developer community as they build for BlackBerry smartphones, after further investigation we decided against supporting BlackBerry Java on BlackBerry BBX. We concluded that the BlackBerry Java experience on the BlackBerry PlayBook platform would ultimately not satisfy us, our development community, or our customers as the platform continues to evolve.

The way to go forward on the BBX platform is either using the BBX C/C++ Native SDK or WebWorks apps or in RIM’s words:

RIM also confirms that the PlayBook and future BBX devices also support two development communities beyond the core super apps through:

The most important thing for BlackBerry Java Developers to read is the end of Alec’s strategy explanation:

So, the next big question on your mind may be: Is this the end of the BlackBerry Java SDK?

The short answer: Absolutely not.

There are currently over 70 million smartphones in market today running the BlackBerry operating system and this number is growing:

For more information on the various development options for the BlackBerry platform, check out the all-new landing page for, as well as the newly launched microsites for theBlackBerry WebWorks SDK, the BlackBerry Runtime for Android Apps, and the BlackBerry Native SDK.

- Alec Saunders, VP of Developer Relations and Ecosystem Development

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