Tuesday, June 28, 2011

Rumor: 10” PlayBook Canceled to Focus on QNX Superphones (SuperBerrys)

Circle of BlackBerry bridgePair

You should take this with a huge grain of salt but if true I am all for RIM making this decision. N4BB is reporting that one of their sources told them the vaguely rumored 10 inch BlackBerry PlayBook prototype project was scrapped for now. That same source said the reasoning for it was to focus on the upcoming BlackBerry QNX powered superphones which will include specs like:

I think the single core processor for these super phones is a possibility but QNX truly shines with multiple cores due to its messaging subsystem for multitasking but who knows. We do know that the current TI 4430 processor in the PlayBook would never work on a phone which is why no other manufacturer has tried. Also the source said the LTE 4G PlayBook is scheduled for October 2011 which is about the same time we are hearing the WiMax Sprint version is scheduled for. While this is a rumor about a rumor I still think RIM should be doing all they can to get these next generation QNX powered phones out the door. They are making great strides with the PlayBook but they have tens of millions of customers waiting to be wowed by the next phone from Waterloo.

RIM’s strategy for the upcoming next generation SuperBerrys is starting to all come together with a Java Player to allow for all core BlackBerry Java apps to run on QNX. The native SDK is also coming and RIM is fleshing out the API’s for the AIR/Flash and WebWorks SDKs. I can’t say much more but obviously QNX has a limited time to spend and as such they should be focusing on getting these SuperBerrys out this year if possible. There was no huge demand for a 10” PlayBook especially since RIM has more critical areas to focus on. I don’t recommend they cancel the project but rather wait until the next generation to add more sizes.

More on BerryReview

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